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Drop-Off & Pickup

Morning drop-off procedures

Park Brook students may be dropped off in the southwest parking lot. Please pull your vehicle into the zones on the far right or far left (i.e., pull to one side of the parking lot to drop-off your child). If you stop along the center island, your child must walk along the curb and cross with the school patrols. For everyone's safety, we do not want students crossing the parking lot or getting out of cars in the middle of the drive.

If you are parking your car, please continue on through the lot and pull into one of the available parking spaces. The Brooklyn Park Police Department monitors this parking lot and will issue tickets to cars parked in handicap parking spots if they do not have a handicap permit or license plates.

You may also drop your child off at Hartkopf Park by driving into the small parking lot in the park across from the school. Patrols will be stationed there to cross students safely. You may park on the school side of the street. We do not allow students to cross the street without guards.

Afternoon pickup procedures

When picking up your child, please use a parking space if available. Students can walk along the sidewalk and safely get into your car.

Only buses and commercial daycare vans are permitted to use the southeast bus circle. Students should use the sidewalks and must stay out of the bus circle.

Thank you for your attention to the safety of all of our students!