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Minne-Loppet Cross-Country Ski Race

Minne-Loppet Cross-Country Ski Race

Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 have the opportunity to participate in the Minne-Loppet cross-country ski race with The Loppet Foundation on Saturday, February 5. Students should come to the school at 12:30 p.m.

A permission slip is required and can be completed digitally or by hard copy which is available at school. Please read The Loppet Foundation waiver prior to signing the permission slip. Students should be dressed ready to enjoy being outside for this event!

Students at Park Brook have participated in cross-country ski lessons during physical education classes.  

Park Brook Elementary is thankful to The Loppet Foundation for their continual support of Park Brook by providing the equipment, a coach for the ski lessons, and providing a bus for this field trip.