Parent Teacher Organization
Creating opportunities and providing support for students and families
Park Brook Elementary's Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) helps get families involved and engaged in their child's elementary experience. Join the PTO in creating more opportunities for Park Brook scholars!
The PTO meets once each month during the school year (usually on the third Tuesday of the month). More information about current meetings and events can be found on the school's Facebook page.
PTO Bylaws
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be Park Brook Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). It is an independent, non-profit organization.
Article II. Mission Statement/Objectives
The Park Brook PTO is an educational, social and recreational organization that brings students, staff, and parents together through events, projects and programs that support the objectives of the school. The activities of the PTO create a closer relationship among students, staff, families and the community, while working within the administrative policies and curriculum of the school.
Objectives of PTO:
- Support and speak on behalf of children and youth at school and in the
- community.
- Promote family involvement in the areas of volunteering, decision making and communication.
- Improve communication between the community, the school, and the
- school district.
- Raise funds that will benefit the entire student body.
Article III. Membership
All teachers, staff members, parents and guardians of currently enrolled Park Brook students are members of the Park Brook PTO. There will be no dues collected.
Article IV. Board, Duties and Terms
Section 1
The affairs and business of the PTO shall be managed by the Board. The Board shall consist of the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Teacher Representative
- School Principal
The Board shall hold regular meetings every two months or as deemed necessary. All Board members are eligible to vote. The Board shall have, but is not limited to, the following duties:
- Arrange for an annual audit of the PTO books by a non-Board member approved by the Board.
- Submit a budget proposal for the following school year to the General Assembly for a vote at the May meeting.
- Authorize by majority vote the funding requests outside of the standing budget.
- Approve any special committee formations.
- Oversee all PTO events.
- Review Bylaws every two years ( fall of even years), recommend and vote on amendments as necessary.
- Submit PTO-related documents to School Principal for PTO file.
Section 2
Elected positions will have the following duties:
- Prepare an agenda for the PTO General Assembly and Board meetings.
- Preside at all meetings of the PTO General Assembly and Board.
- Meet with the School Principal and Vice President as necessary.
- Distribute Bylaws to all Board members at beginning of term.
- Serve as PTO representative and provide PTO information at spring Kindergarten Round-Up and fall Open House.
Vice President
- Perform the duties of the President in their absence or inability to serve. May assume the position of President should a mid-year vacancy occur.
- Meet with the President and School Principal as necessary.
- Write summaries of PTO news for the school newsletter and/or PTO newsletter.
- May assume any elected position in the case of a mid-year vacancy.
- Keep a record of attendance at all PTO meetings to ensure an accurate account of all voting members.
- Prepare ballots for the elections.
- Record minutes at all PTO General Assembly and Board meetings and report for approval at the following meeting.
- Report Board meeting minutes at next General Assembly meeting.
- Submit General Assembly minutes for publication in school newsletter.
- Perform the duties of the Vice President in their absence or inability to serve.
- May assume any elected position in the case of a mid-year vacancy.
- Handle all PTO funds and receipts and maintain an accurate record of PTO bank account.
- Assure all funds are deposited into PTO account in a timely manner.
- Assume responsibility for all unbudgeted disbursements from PTO account with approval of the Board.
- Submit a monthly detailed report to the General Assembly and Board describing the disbursements and deposits.
- Communicate with Resource Manager regarding payments to the district.
- Relinquish records to individual(s) acting in an auditing capacity for review.
- Handle dishonored checks as stated in Article VII.
- May assume any elected position in the case of a mid-year vacancy.
Teacher Representative
- Attend meetings of the Park Brook staff, PTO Board and General Assembly and act as a liaison for the PTO.
- Report any pertinent information to the Park Brook staff, PTO Board and General Assembly.
Volunteer Coordinator
- Act as Board member in an ex officio capacity.
- Attend meetings of the PTO Board and General Assembly.
- Coordinate volunteers for PTO events.
- Oversee fundraising efforts as determined by Board and General Assembly.
- Assist Treasurer with handling dishonored checks as stated in Article VII.
School Principal
- Act as Board member in an ex officio capacity.
- Attend meetings of the PTO Board and General Assembly.
- Maintain PTO file with PTO-related documents and information.
Section 3
- All elected Board members will serve a one year term. The term will begin with the new fiscal year. Officers may be elected to an unlimited number of terms. To ensure continuity of the Board, the Vice President is expected to assume the position of President the following year if elected.
- Any PTO member is eligible for a Board position. Members may be nominated to a position or volunteer if no nominations are made.
- The Teacher Representative may volunteer for the position in May. If more than one volunteers, the Board will vote on it.
- Any open Board position may be presented for nominations at the April meeting and be voted upon by the General Assembly in May.
- All officers shall perform the duties outlined by these Bylaws and those assigned at any given time. Upon the expiration of the term of office, or in the case of a resignation, each officer shall turn over to the Board without delay all records, books, and other materials pertaining to the office.
Article V. Meetings
PTO General Assembly meetings will be held once a month. All meetings are open to the public. All meetings will follow an agenda prepared in advance by the Board. Any person wishing to be placed on the agenda should contact the PTO President prior to the meeting.
PTO Board meetings will be held as noted in Article IV.
Article VI. Voting
Section 1
General Assembly
A voting member will be defined as any member that attends at least one General Assembly meeting during the current school year prior to any vote. Attendance will begin to be counted at the first meeting of the school year. No vote will be called at the first meeting of the school year. Voting membership present at General Assembly meetings shall constitute a quorum with a minimum number present being eight members. Any motion brought forward must be seconded and when voted upon is subject to a verbal majority vote. “Majority” constitutes more than half.
Section 2
Five out of seven Board members constitute a quorum for any vote. Voting follows the same rules as General Assembly.
Section 3
Nominations for Board members for the following school year will be accepted in April of the current school year. Nominations may be verbal or written and may be made by any General Assembly member. If written, they must be submitted to the PTO Secretary. The Secretary will then verify that any person nominated for a position consents to the nomination. Ballots will be prepared by the Secretary and a written vote will be taken at the May meeting and is subject to a majority vote. Absentee ballots may be cast by any voting member with the ballot being submitted prior to the vote in a sealed envelope to any officer.
Article VII. Financial Procedures
- The fiscal year of the PTO shall begin on July 1 and end on the following June 30. Two Board members must have bank signature privileges and be authorized to disburse checks from the PTO account. Both signatures are required on any check over the amount of $200.00 and on any check made payable to “cash.”
- Deposits must be made on a weekly basis or immediately following a PTO event.
- Each bank deposit shall have complete documentation detailing the composition of the entire deposit. Receipts and deposit slips shall be attached to the appropriate monthly bank statement.
- The Treasurer shall keep a detailed record of all returned checks. In the event of returned checks, the Treasurer shall attempt to personally contact the payer and request payment for the check amount in addition to all related fees charged by the bank. If necessary, the Treasurer shall follow up with a letter approved by the School Principal. The PTO shall be notified at each meeting as to the status of uncollected returned checks. All funds shall be counted together by at least two Board members.