The Data and Assessment Division in Osseo Area Schools enhances student learning by serving the needs of administration, staff, parents, and students for:
- Quality and timely achievement and survey data in forms useful for decision making and improvement planning;
- Support of data interpretation and use; and
- Management and support of mandated and local assessments.
Department staff oversees the Osseo Area Schools Assessment Plan and the testing calendar for all local and state-mandated tests.
Main Contacts
Coordinator of Testing, Assessment & Accountability
Jenna Johnshoy-Aarestad
Coordinator, Data & Assessment
Tom Watkins
Coordinator, Data & Assessment
Testing Resources
Additional information about Minnesota Department of Education's testing can be found on their website.
- Districtwide Testing Schedule
- State Test Schedule by School
- Accessing Test History in ParentVUE
- Understanding FastBridge Family Reports
- State-Mandated Assessments Parent Fact Sheets
- Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Districtwide Assessments/Testing
- Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Assessments/Testing
Districtwide Testing Schedule
2024-2025 Districtwide Testing Schedule (English)
2024-2025 Districtwide Testing Schedule (Hmong)
2024-2025 Districtwide Testing Schedule (Oromo)
2024-2025 Districtwide Testing Schedule (Somali)
2024-2025 Districtwide Testing Schedule (Spanish)
2024-2025 Districtwide Testing Schedule (Vietnamese)
To view this document in an accessible (non-PDF) format, please call 763-391-7094.
State Test Schedule by School
Accessing Test History in ParentVUE
Parents and guardians can access their student’s test history online via ParentVUE. (If you do not have ParentVUE, please check out the Getting Started with ParentVUE guide to learn how to receive an activation key.)
Understanding FastBridge Family Reports
Understanding the FastBridge Family Report (English)
Understanding the FastBridge Family Report (Arabic)
Understanding the FastBridge Family Report (Hmong)
Understanding the FastBridge Family Report (Oromo)
Understanding the FastBridge Family Report (Russian)
Understanding the FastBridge Family Report (Somali)
Understanding the FastBridge Family Report (Spanish)
State-Mandated Assessments Parent Fact Sheets
Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Districtwide Assessments/Testing
Parents and guardians may refuse (opt out) to have their student participate in district-required standardized assessments by submitting this completed form to their student’s School Assessment Coordinator. To ensure that your child’s school can fulfill this request, please submit this completed form prior to the assessment window (listed below) to allow time for the School Assessment Coordinator to notify building staff as well as make other arrangements for your child during testing. A new form must be completed annually.
Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Assessments/Testing
This information will help parents/guardians make informed decisions that benefit their children, schools, and communities.
Why statewide testing?
Minnesota values its educational system and the professionalism of its educators. Minnesota educators created the academic standards which are rigorous and prepare our students for career and college. The statewide assessments are how we as a state measure that curriculum and daily instruction in our schools are being aligned to the academics standards, ensuring all students are being provided an equitable education. Statewide assessment results are just one tool to monitor that we are providing our students with the education that will ensure a strong workforce and knowledgeable citizens.
Research Approval Process
Save a copy of this file, complete it, and return as directed. If you cannot access this document, please call 763-391-7148.
Stakeholder Surveys: Measuring Progress on Our Mission
- Information for Parents and Opt Out Form
- Family Stakeholder Dashboard
- 2023 Student Stakeholder Survey Report
- 2022 Summary (English)
- Resumen de la Encuesta a todas las partes interesadas del distrito 2022
- Cov Lus Tau Los Ntawm Kev Sojntxuas Txhua Tus rau Xyoo 2022
- Sahanka Daneeyeyaasha 2022 oo kooban
- Tóm tắt Thăm dò các Bên liên quan 2022
- Xiinxala Madaallii Qoodafudhattoota 2022
Information for Parents and Opt Out Form
Hello Osseo Area Schools Families,
We want to tell you about two important student surveys coming up:
1. Student Stakeholder Survey (Grades 3-12)
When: February to May 2025
What it's for:
- To help school leaders improve our schools
- To meet state requirements for evaluating principals and teachers
Good news: Over the past six years, students have reported improvements in most areas we measure.
Important points:
- The survey is voluntary
- Student answers are kept private
- Only summary results are shared with teachers and staff
- Students can skip any questions they want
2. Minnesota Student Survey (Grades 5, 8, 9, and 11)
When: February to March 2025
- What it's about:
- School experiences
- Future plans
- After-school activities
- Health and relationships
- Substance use
- (For high school students) Sexual behavior
Important points:
- The survey is anonymous (no names or personal info)
- It's voluntary - students can skip questions or the whole survey
For both surveys:
If you don't want your child to participate, please fill out the opt-out form by February 9, 2025.
- You can review the surveys if you'd like, please contact Laura Youngquist:
Questions? Contact Laura Youngquist:
- Email:
- Phone: 763-391-7181
Thank you for your support in helping us improve our schools.
Family Stakeholder Dashboard
2023 Student Stakeholder Survey Report
2022 Summary (English)
Our school district has a bold mission for all students: “To inspire and prepare each and every scholar with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.” In order to measure our progress in helping students achieve that mission, Osseo Area Schools staff gathers information in a variety of ways.
The Stakeholder Survey is designed to help give voice to students, parents and staff, to assist teachers in serving students and facilitating school and system improvement. There are questions about our district mission, sense of belonging, instruction, communication and technology. The results from the 2022 survey provide evidence of growth to celebrate as well as some areas in which we can improve.
Over 16,000 K-12 students took the Student survey during the 2021-22 school year. This was more than 4 out of every 5 enrolled students.
Families were selected by random sample to ensure that respondents were representative of the population in Osseo Area Schools (~950/caregiver participants in 2022). Family surveys were administered in English, Hmong, Spanish, Vietnamese and Somali.
All employees were invited to take the Staff survey in 2022, and over 1,300 participated. This was our second best year ever for participation.
What we learned from students
- From 2017 to 2022, students at the elementary and high school level were at least 2% more likely to indicate that they were Contributing to their Community. This trend from before to during the pandemic is encouraging.
- Students also perceived increases in Teaching at each grade level, and increases in Classroom Respect in grades 6-12.
- There were also some challenges identified: decreases of 3% or more on the Achieve Dreams and Lifelong Learning scales in grades 3-12.
- In addition, there were decreases of 5% or more on Classroom Respect in grades 3-5 and on Belonging in grades 6-8.
What we learned from parents/guardians
Safe, Welcoming, and Inclusive Learning Environments
Families answered affirmatively in response to the statement “School staff treat my scholar with respect,” at a rate of 89%.
Two challenges in this area are scholar's cultural history being represented accurately in the curriculum and ensuring scholars see how their learning connects to the real world, which were both responded to with “Often” or “Always” at a rate of 65%.
Culture of Achievement
The percentage of parents who indicated that staff “believe my scholar can succeed” was 87%.
An area for growth is staff knowing scholar's interests, which had a rate of positive responses at 63%.
Inclusive Communication with Communities
Close to 95% of families said “Communication from my scholar's school is provided in my preferred language.”
Families expressed lower rates of staff providing regular updates on the progress of their scholar, at 57%.
Innovation, Excellence, Accountability, and Sustainability
A high point within this survey scale was 93% of families saying their scholar is provided with the appropriate technology they need to learn.
For families, there is room for growth on the question: “School staff have helped my scholar set goals for their future.” A total of 62% of families responded “Often” or “Always” to this statement.
Continuous Improvement in Reducing Disparities, Barriers, and Inequities
Almost all parents (96%) reported that their school as a whole is welcoming to their family.
There were less favorable caregiver perceptions related to the statement, “My scholar’s school has practices that benefit one group of scholars over another.” A total of 56% of caregivers perceive that these types of practices are in place.
What we learned from staff
- From 2015 to 2022, staff were more likely to indicate that their administrators were accessible, they also felt more safe and secure at school, and were more likely to say that their school acknowledges diversity and supports all students.
- Staff also indicated an increase on the Race and Culture scale, with the greatest increases on the value of training in understanding students and working towards equitable student achievement.
- Perceptions of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Professional Practice have remained stable since 2015.
- One challenge from the staff survey is that the Strategic Outcomes scale is now significantly below the 2015 district average for the first time. Most questions reflect this decrease, but the greatest drop was in students being “willing to ask questions to get more information when needed.”
What’s next?
School and district leaders will continue to use these results and other data for improvement planning. The survey will continue to be administered to students and staff every year, and parents/guardians every other year.
Resumen de la Encuesta a todas las partes interesadas del distrito 2022
Nuestro distrito escolar tiene una misión positiva para todos sus estudiantes: “Inspirar y preparar a todos los estudiantes con la confianza, el coraje y la competencia para alcanzar sus sueños; contribuir con la comunidad y participar en un aprendizaje de por vida.” Para poder medir nuestro progreso en el ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a alcanzar esta misión, Osseo Area Schools reúne información en una diferente variedad de formas.
La Encuesta a todas las partes interesadas del distrito está diseñada para darle una voz a los estudiantes, padres de familia y al personal escolar, para ayudar a los maestros a servir a los estudiantes y facilitar mejoras en los sistemas y las escuelas. En la encuesta, hay preguntas acerca de la misión de nuestro distrito, el sentido de pertenencia, instrucción, comunicación y tecnología. Los resultados de la encuesta 2022 prueban que hay áreas de crecimiento que merecen celebrarse pero también, áreas en las que se puede mejorar..
Más de 16,000 estudiantes en grados K-12 tomaron la encuesta estudiantil durante el año escolar 2021-2022. Esto fue más de 4 de cada 5 estudiantes matriculados en el distrito.
Las familias fueron seleccionadas usando una muestra aleatoria para asegurar que todas las respuestas representen a la población en Osseo Area Schools (~950/participantes fueron personas que proveen cuidado en 2022). Las encuestas se administraron en inglés, Hmong, español, vietnamita y somalí.
Todos los empleados fueron invitados a participar en la encuesta en el 2022 y más de 1,300 participaron. Este fue nuestro segundo mejor año en relación a la participación del personal escolar.
Lo que aprendimos de los estudiantes
- Del 2017 al 2022, los estudiantes en las escuelas primarias y al nivel de secundaria fueron al menos 2% más propensos a indicar que ellos estaban contribuyendo en su comunidad. Esta tendencia que inició antes de la pandemia y que prosiguió durante la misma, es alentadora.
- Los estudiantes también percibieron un incremento en la cantidad de enseñanza en cada grado e incremento de respeto en los salones de clases en grados del 6 al 12.
- También se identificaron algunos desafíos: reducción del 3% en las escalas de Alcance de Sueños y Aprendizaje de por Vida en grados del 3 al 12.
- Además, hubo una reducción del 5% o más en Respeto en el Salón de Clases en grados del 3 al 5 y en el Sentido de Pertenencia en grados del 6 al 8.
Lo que aprendimos de los padres de familia y tutores
Ambientes Seguros, Hospitalarios e Inclusivos
- Las familias respondieron de forma afirmativa a la frase “Las escuelas tratan a mi estudiante con respeto”, con un promedio de 89%
- Los dos desafíos en esta área son la representación correcta de la historia cultural del estudiante en el currículo y el asegurarse que los estudiantes asocien como lo que aprenden se relaciona con el mundo real, ambas opciones recibieron “A menudo” o “Siempre” con un promedio de 65%.
Cultura de Logros
- El porcentaje de padres que indicaron que el personal escolar que “cree que mi estudiante puede ser exitoso” fue de 87%.
- Un área en el que se puede mejorar es en la que el personal sabe cuáles son los intereses de los estudiantes, el cual tiene un promedio de respuestas positivas del 63%.
Comunicación inclusiva con las comunidades
- Cerca del 95% de las familias dijeron que “la comunicación de parte de la escuela de mi estudiante se realiza en el idioma que yo prefiero.”
- Las familias expresaron promedios más bajos en relación con información regular de parte del personal en relación con sus estudiantes, esto con un promedio del 57%.
Innovación, Excelencia, Responsabilidad y Sostenibilidad
- Un punto alto en esta encuesta fue que un 93% de las familias expresaron que su estudiante recibió las herramientas tecnológicas apropiadas para poder aprender.
- Para las familias, hay espacio para crecer en relación a esta afirmación: “El personal escolar ha ayudado a mi estudiante a establecer metas para su futuro.” Un total de 62% de las familias respondieron “A menudo” o “Siempre” cuando se refirieron a esta afirmación.
- Mejoras continúas en Reducir las Disparidades, Barreras e Inequidades
- Casi todos los padres (96%) reportaron que su escuela en general les ha hecho sentir bienvenidos a su familia.
- Hubo opiniones menos favorables de parte de las personas encargadas del cuidado de los estudiantes en relación con la frase, “La escuela de mi estudiante tiene prácticas que benefician a un grupo de estudiantes más que a otro grupo.” Un total del 56% de personas encargadas perciben que sí existen estos tipos de prácticas.
Mejoras continúas en Reducir las Disparidades, Barreras e Inequidades
- Casi todos los padres (96%) reportaron que su escuela en general les ha hecho sentir bienvenidos a su familia.
- Hubo opiniones menos favorables de parte de las personas encargadas del cuidado de los estudiantes en relación con la frase, “La escuela de mi estudiante tiene prácticas que benefician a un grupo de estudiantes más que a otro grupo.” Un total del 56% de personas encargadas perciben que sí existen estos tipos de prácticas.
Lo que aprendimos del personal escolar
- Del 2015 al 2022, el personal escolar fue más propenso a indicar que sus administradores fueron más accesibles, ellos también se sintieron más seguros en la escuela y fueron más propensos a decir que sus escuelas reconocen la diversidad y apoyan a sus estudiantes.
- El personal escolar indicó un incremento en la escala de Raza y Cultura, siendo el mayor incremento en el entrenamiento acerca de cómo entender a los estudiantes y el trabajo hacia los logros equitativos de los estudiantes.
- Las percepciones de Enseñanza, Aprendizaje y Práctica Profesional para Docentes se han mantenido estables desde el 2015.
- Un desafío de la encuesta del personal escolar es que la escala de Resultados Estratégicos es significativamente más baja que el promedio en el 2015 por primera vez. La mayoría de las preguntas reflejan esta reducción pero el punto en el que se bajó más fue en la afirmación de que los estudiantes están “más propensos a hacer preguntas para encontrar la información cuando la necesitan.”
¿Qué es lo que sigue?
Los líderes escolares y del distrito continuarán usando estos resultados y otros datos para mejorar la planificación. La encuesta continuará siendo administrada a todos los estudiantes y al personal cada año, y a los padres/tutores cada dos años.
Cov Lus Tau Los Ntawm Kev Sojntxuas Txhua Tus rau Xyoo 2022
Peb cheebtsam tsev kawm ntawv muaj lub zeem muag zoo rau tagnrho cov tubntxhais kawm ntawv sawvdaws: “Los pab thiab npaj ib tug menyuam zuj zus thiab tagnrho cov tubntxhais kom lawv ntseeg lawv tus kheej, muaj peevxwm thiab muaj kev txawj mus ua tau raws li lawv tej kev npau suav; txawj pab lub zejzog; thiab kubsiab koom rau txoj kev kawm nyob rau hauv lawv lub neej.” Yuav kom ntsuas tau txoj kev txheej txheem loj hlob ntawm kev pab cov tubntxhais ncav tau lub zeemmuag no, cheebtsam Osseo Area School cov neeg ua haujlwm yuav tsum nrhiav kev tshawb txog ntau yam los ntawm kev siv ntau txoj kev.
Daim ntawv sojntsuam (Stakeholder Survey) no yog tsim los pab rau cov tubntxhais, niamtxiv, cov ua haujlwm kom muaj kev tawm suab los txhawb pab rau cov xibfwb kev cobqhia menyuam txoj kev kawm ntaub kawm ntawv thiab pab nrhiav kev txhim kho rau tej tsev kawm ntawv thiab tej qauv ua kom zoo dua qub. Yeej muaj cov lus nug txog peb cheebtsam lub zeem muag, lub siab nyob tau ua ib ke, kev cobqhia, kev sibtxuas lus thiab tej technology. Cov lus xaus ntawm kev sojntsuam rau xyoo 2022 no ua povthawj qhia tau tias muaj kev loj hlob ua rau peb muaj kev zoo siab, tiamsis kuj muaj tej yam uas peb tseem yuav tsum tau ua kom zoo dua qub.
Kev Koom Tes Ua
Muaj ntau dua li ntawm 16,000 tus tubntxhais kawm ntawv nyob rau qib K-12 tau ua daim ntawv sojntsuam rau xyoo kawm ntawv 2021-22. Qhov no yog tshaj li ntawm 4 feem 5 tug tubntxhais uas muaj npe kawm ntawv.
Kev xaiv cov tsev neeg sojntsuam yog los ntawm kev nrho npe xwb kom cov neeg teb lus no sawvcev peb cov pejxeem zejzog nyob rau hauv cheebtsam Osseo Area Schools (~950/yog cov uas muaj cai saib, koom ua rau xyoo 2022). Cov lus rau txoj kev sojntsuam tsev neeg no peb siv lus Askiv, lus Hmoob, lus Mev, lus Nyablaj thiab lus Somali.
Peb caw tagnrho cov neeg ua haujlwm los ua qhov kev sojntsuam rau Cov Ua Haujlwm nyob rau xyoo 2022, thiab tshaj li 1,300 leej tau koom tes ua. Xyoo no yog xyoo zoo thib ob rau txoj kev koomtes
Yam uas peb kawm tau los ntawm cov tubntxhais kawm ntawv
- Xyoo 2017 txog rau xyoo 2022, cov tubntxhais kawm ntawv nyob qib elementary thiab qib high school teb tsawg kawg los tseem yog 2% ntau dua lwm pab hais tias lawv pab (Contributing) rau lawv lub zejzog (Community). Tus qauv no pib ua ntej thiab los rau thaum muaj tus kabmob (pandemic) no, yog ib qho txhawb zog kawg li.
- Cov menyuam muaj kev nce qib rau kev totaub txog txoj kev cobqhia nyob rau txhua hoob, thiab muaj kev nce qib ntawm cov kawm hoob 6-12 rau txoj kev hwm txog chav kawm.
- Nws kuj muaj ib co kev nyuaj uas peb pom thiab: xws li poob 3% lossis ntau dua rau tus qauv kawm kom tau raws li kev npau suav thiab kev kawm hauv lub neej (Achieve Dreams and Lifelong Learning scales) nyob rau hauv hoob 3-12.
- Tsis tas li ntawd xwb, nws poob li 5% lossis ntau dua hauv hoob 3-5 txog txoj kev hwm chawv kawm ntawv (Classroom Respect) thiab txoj kev uas cov menyuam kawm hoob 6 - 8 xav hais tias lawv tsis tau kev txais (Belonging) nrog luag nyob luag kawm.
Yam peb kawm tau los ntawm cov niamtxiv thiab cov muaj cai saib xyuas
Qhov Chaw Nyabxeeb, Muaj Kev Tos Txais Zoo, thiab Yog Ib Cov Chaw Uas Txais Txhua Leej Txhua Tus Rau Txoj Kev Kawm.
- Cov tsev neeg teb meej meej rau lo lus hais tias “Cov neeg ua haujlwm hauv tsev kawm ntawv saib taus kuv tus menyuam los ntawm kev hwm,” yog li ntawm 89%.
- Ob qho nyuaj yog xav kom cov tubntxais keebkwm kablis kevcai muaj sawvcev meej nyob rau hauv tej ntaub ntawv kawm thiab ua tibzoo kom cov tubntxhais pom lawv txoj kev kawm txuas rau txoj kev ua neej khwv noj khwv haus, uas cov lus teb rau ob qho no yog “Ntau zaug” (Often) lossis “Txhua Zaus” (Always) uas yog li ntawm 65%.
Tus Cwjpwm uas Muaj Kev Kawm Tau Zoo
- Cov niamtxiv uas hais tias cov neeg ua haujlwm yeej “ntseeg tau tias kuv tus menyuam kawm ntawv yeej yuav kawm tau” yog 87%.
- Ib qho kev loj hlob yog cov neeg ua haujlwm paub tus menyuam tej kev ntshaw, uas muaj lus teb rau sab zoo yog li ntawm 63%.
Txuas Lus Rau Tagnrho Lub Zejzog sawvdaws
- Ze li 95% ntawm cov niamtxiv tau hais tias “Kev txuas lus los ntawm kuv tus menyuam lub tsev kawm ntawv rau kuv yeej muaj ua yam lus uas kuv xav tau.”
- Txhua tsev neeg uas tau teb, hais tias cov neeg ua haujlwm hauv tsev kawm ntawv qhia txog menyuam kev kawm tsis tu ncua mas tsawg zog, npaum li 57% xwb.
Kev Ua Qhov Tshiab, Kev Ua Qhov Zoo, Qhov Yuav Tsum Tau Ua Lub Luag Haujlwm Kom Tiav Tau Zoo, thiab Ua Tibzoo Kom Txhob Tuncua
- Ib qho zoo nyob rau hauv txoj kev sojntsuam no yog 93% ntawm cov tsev neeg tau hais tias lawv tus menyuam tau txais tej khoom technology txaus siv raws lawv kev xav tau rau txoj kev kawm.
- Rau cov tsev neeg, nws tseem muaj chaw rau kev loj hlob rau ntawm los lus nug: “Tsev kawm ntawv cov neeg ua haujlwm pab kuv tus menyuam teem homphiaj npaj rau yav tom ntej.” Muaj 62% ntawm cov tsev neeg tau teb “Ntau Zaus” (Often) lossis “Txhua Zaus” (Always) rau los lus nug ntawm no.
Kev txhim kho Mus Ntxiv Kom Txo Tau Tej Kev Tsis Sib Xws Ntawm Sawvdaws, Kom Txo Tau Tej Kev Tivthaiv Uas Txwv, thiab Kom Txo Kev Tsis Ncaj Ncees Kom Muaj Kev Sibnpaug Rau Txhua Tus
- Yuav luag tagnrho cov niamtxiv (96%) tau qhia hais tias lawv cov tsev kawm ntawv tibsi yeej muaj kev txhais tos lawv tsev neeg zoo.
- Cov laus uas saib tej menyuam kuj xav txog lo lus hais tias, “Kuv tus menyuam lub tsev kawm ntawv ua tej yam zoo rau tej pab tubntxhais kawm ntawv tiamsis ho tsis zoo rau tej pab.” Li 56% ntawm cov laus uas muaj cai saib tej menyuam xam pom hais tias yeej muaj tej no nyob rau hauv tsev kawm ntawv thiab.
Yam Peb Kawm Tau Los Ntawm Cov Neeg Ua Haujlwm
- Pib xyoo 2015 txog rau 2022, cov ua haujlwm tau hais ntau hais tias lawv cov thawjcoj muaj sijhawm rau lawv, thiab lawv xav hais tias muaj kev nyabxeeb thiab kev ruaj ntseg nyob rau hauv tsev kawm ntawv, thiab tau hais ntau zaug tias lawv cov tsev kawm ntawv pom qhov uas muaj ntau yam neeg thiab txhawb txhua tus tubntxhais kawm ntawv tibyam.
- Cov neeg ua haujlwm kuj tau hais tias muaj ntau Haiv Neeg thiab Kabli Kevcai (Race and Culture scale) coob zuj zus ntxiv, nrog rau kev cobqhia kawm ntau ntxiv ntsig txoj kev totaub txog cov tubntxhais kawm ntawv thiab nrhiav kom muaj kev ncaj ncees sibtxig sibluag rau menyuam kev kawm kom vammeej nce qib mus.
- Ntau txoj kev xav txog kev Qhia Ntawv, Kev Kawm Ntawv thiab Cov Xibfwb Tej Cwjpwm Xyaum Cobqhia tseem muaj nyob li qub txij li thaum xyoo 2015 los txog niaj hnub niam no.
- Ib qho uas nyuaj (challenge) los ntawm cov ua haujlwm kev sojntsuam (staff survey) yog kev luj Cov Kev Ua Tiav Dhau Los (Strategic Outcomes) thiab muab qhov tamsim no piv rau cheebtsam qhov nrubnrab nyob rau xyoo 2015, mas yog thawj zaug uas poob qes dua qhov nrubnrab. Yuav luag txhua los lus nug qhia txog nqe poob tuncua no, tabsis, qhov ua poob loj tshajplaws yog nyob rau qhov uas cov tubntxhais tsis “muaj peevxwm nug kom tau kev pab thaum lawv xav tau kev pab.”
Yuav ua dabtsi ntxiv?
Tsev kawm ntawv thiab cov thawjcoj hauv cheebtsam yuav siv txhua yam kev teb (results) ntawm txoj kev sojntsuam no thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv (data) los siv rau txoj kev npaj txim kho ntxiv. Cov ntawv sojntsuam no yuav muab rau cov tubntxhais kawm ntawv thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm txhua xyoo, thiab muab rau cov niamtxiv/cov laus uas muaj cai saib xyuas ua ob xyoo ib zaug.
Sahanka Daneeyeyaasha 2022 oo kooban
Iskuuladeena waxay u hayaan dhamaan ardayda hilo cad: “In la dhiirigeliyo loona diyaariyo arday kasta isagoo leh kalsooni, geesinimo iyo karti ay ku gaadhaan riyooyinkooda; wax ku biiriyaan bulshada; kana qayb qaataan waxbarasho cimrigooda oo dhan." Si loo cabbiro horumarkeena ku aadan ka caawinta ardayda inay gaadhaan himiladaas, shaqaalaha Osseo Area schools waxay u ururiyaan macluumaadka siyaabo kala duwan.
Sahanka Daneeyayaasha waxa loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo siinta codka ardayda, waalidiinta iyo shaqaalaha, si ay u caawiyaan macalimiinta u adeega ardayda iyo fududaynta dugsiga iyo horumarinta nidaamka. Waxaa jira su'aalo kusaabsan hadafka degmadeena, dareenka ka mid ahaanshaha, waxbaridda,isgaarsiinta iyo farsamada. Natiijooyinka ka soo baxay sahanka 2022 ayaa bixiya caddaynta koboc mudan in loo dabaaldego iyo sidoo kale meelaha qaarkood oo aan sii hagaajin karno.
Ka Qaybgalka
In ka badan 16,000 ardaa K-12 ayaa qaatay ra'yi ururinta ardayda intii lagu jiray sannadka dugsiyeeda 2021-22. Tani waxay ahayd in ka badan 4 ka mid ah 5 arday kasta oo diiwaangashan.
Qoysaska waxaa lagu doortay hab wakhtiyaa nasiib ah si loo hubiyo in jawaab-bixiyeyaashu ay matalaan dadka ku nool Dugsiyada Osseo Area Schools (~ 950/daryeeleyaasha ka qaybgalay 2022). Sahanka qoyska waxa lagu maamulay ama lagu bixiyey Ingiriis, Hmong, Isbaanish, Fiyatnaamiis iyo Soomaali.
Dhammaan shaqaalaha waxaa lagu martiqaaday inay qaataan sahanka shaqaalaha sanadka 2022, in ka badan 1,300 ayaana ka qayb qaatay. Kani waxa uu ahaa sannadkii labaad ee ugu wacnaa abid ee ka qaybgalka.
Waxaan ka baranay ardayda
- Laga soo bilaabo 2017 ilaa 2022, ardayda heerka dugsiga hoose iyo sare waxay ahaayeen ugu yaraan 2% in ka badan inay muujiyaan inay wax ku soo kordhinayaan bulshadooda. Isbeddelkan ka hor iyo inta lagu jiro cudurka faafa waa mid dhiirigelin leh.
- Ardayda sidoo kale waxay dareemeen korodhka Waxbarashada heer fasal kasta, iyo Korodhka ixtiraamka fasalka ee fasallada 6-12.
- Waxa kale oo jiray caqabado la aqoonsaday: hoos u dhaca 3% ah ama ka badan oo ku saabsan Gaadhida riyooyinka iyo miisaanka Waxbarashada Nolosha oo dhan ee fasallada 3-12.
- Intaa waxaa dheer, waxaa jiray hoos u dhac ah 5% ama ka badan ee ixtiraamka fasalka ee fasalada 3-5 iyo ka mid noqoshada fasalada 6-8.
Wixii aan ka baranay waalidiinta iyo masuuliyiinta
Amaan, soo dhoweyn, iyo ka mid noqoshada deegaanada waxbarashada
- Qoysasku waxay si dhab ah uga jawaabeen hadalka "Shaqaalaha dugsigu waxay ula dhaqmaan ardaygeyga si xushmad leh," qiyaastii 89%.
- Laba caqabadood oo meeshan ka jira ayaa ah in ardayga taariikhdiisa dhaqan si sax ah loogu soo bandhigo manhajka iyo in la hubiyo in ardaydu ay arkaan sida waxbarashadoodu ugu xidhan tahay dunida dhabta ah, kuwaas oo labadoodaba looga jawaabay “Inta badan” ama “Mar walba” oo lagu qiyaasay 65%.
Dhaqanka Guusha
- Boqolkiiba waalidiinta tilmaamay in shaqaaluhu "rumaysan yihiin in an ardaygu guulaysan karo" waxay ahayd 87%.
- Meel koboc ka jiro waa in shaqaaluhu aqoonsadeen danaha ardayga, kaas oo lahaa heerka jawaabaha togan ee 63%.
Xiriir loo dhan yahay oo lala yeesho Bulshooyinka
- Ku dhawaad 95% qoysasku waxay yiraahdeen "Xidhiidhinka aan ka helo iskuulka ardaygayga waxa lagu bixiyaa luqadda aan doorbidaay."
- Qoysasku waxay gaabis ka muujiyeen shaqaalaha oo aan si joogto ula soo socodsiin horumarka ilmahooda, 57%.
Hal-abuurnimo, Wanaag, La Xisaabtanka, iyo Joogteynta
- Dhibcaha ugu sarreeya ee cabbirkan sahanka ah ayaa ahaa 93% qoysaska iyagoo sheegay in ardaydooda la siiyey tignoolajiyadii ku habboonayd si ay wax u bartaan.
- Qoysaska, waxaa jira meel ay tahay in wax lga qabto su'aasha: "Shaqaalaha dugsiga ayaa ka caawiyey ardaygayga inuu dejisto yoolalka mustaqbalkooda." Wadarta 62% qoysasku waxay kaga jawaabeen "inta badan" ama "had iyo jeer" bayaankan.
Horumar joogto ah oo lagu dhimayo kala duwanaanshiyaha, caqabadaha, iyo sinnaan la'aanta
- Ku dhawaad dhammaan waalidiinta (96%) waxay sheegeen in dugsigoodu guud ahaan uu soo dhawaynayo qoyskooda.
- Waxaa jiray aragtiyo daryeel-bixiye oo aad u yar oo la xiriira bayaanka, "Dugsiga araygaygu wuxuu leeyahay dhaqammo u faa’iideeya ardayda qaar halka qaarna aysan ka faa’iidin." Wadar dhan 56% daryeelayaashu waxay fahmeen in dhaqamada noocaan ah ay jiraan.
Waxa aan ka baranay shaqaalaha
Laga soo bilaabo 2015 ilaa 2022, shaqaaluhu waxay u badnaayeen inay muujiyaan in maamulayaashooda la heli karo, sidoo kale waxay dareemeen ammaan iyo ammaan badan dugsiga, waxayna u badan tahay inay sheegaan in dugsigoodu aqoonsan yahay kala duwanaanshaha oo uu taageerayo dhammaan ardayda.
Shaqaaluhu waxa kale oo ay tilmaameen in uu kordhayo miisaanka jinsiyada iyo dhaqanka, iyada oo korodhka ugu weyn uu ku yimid qiimaha tababarka ee fahamka ardayda iyo ka shaqaynta guulo arday oo loo siman yahay.
- Aragtida Wax-barashada, Barashada iyo Ku-dhaqanka Xirfad-yaqaanka Macallinku waxay ahaayeen kuwo deggan ilaa 2015.
- Hal caqabad oo ka timid sahanka shaqaalaha ayaa ah in cabbirka Natiijooyinka Istaraatiijiyadeed uu hadda aad uga hooseeyo celceliska degmada 2015 markii ugu horreysay. Su'aalaha intooda badani waxay muujinayaan hoos u dhaca, laakiin hoos u dhaca ugu weyn wuxuu ahaa ardayda "in ay diyaar u yihiin inay waydiiyaan su'aalo si ay u helaan macluumaad dheeraad ah marka loo baahdo."
Maxaa xiga?
Hogaamiyayaasha dugsiyada iyo degmadu waxay sii wadi doonaan inay u isticmaalaan natiijooyinkan iyo xogta kale ee qorshaynta horumarinta. Sahanku wuxuu sii wadi doonaa in laga qaado ardayda iyo shaqaalaha sannad kasta, iyo in laga qaado waalidiinta/masuuliyiinta sanad dhaaf..
Tóm tắt Thăm dò các Bên liên quan 2022
Học khu của chúng tôi có một sứ mệnh lớn lao cho tất cả học sinh: “Truyền cảm hứng và trang bị cho mỗi học sinh sự tự tin, can đảm và năng lực để đạt được ước mơ của mình; đóng góp cho cộng đồng; và tham gia học tập suốt đời. " Để đo lường sự tiến bộ của chúng tôi trong việc giúp học sinh đạt được sứ mệnh đó, nhân viên của Osseo Area Schools thu thập thông tin theo nhiều cách khác nhau.
Phiếu thăm dò ý kiến các Bên liên quan được thiết kế để lấy ý kiến của học sinh, phụ huynh và nhân viên, nhằm hỗ trợ giáo viên phục vụ học sinh tốt hơn và tạo điều kiện cải tiến hệ thống và trường học. Có những câu hỏi về sứ mệnh của học khu, cảm giác hội nhập, việc giảng dạy, giao tiếp và công nghệ. Kết quả từ cuộc thăm dò năm 2022 đưa ra bằng chứng về những tiến bộ đáng mừng cũng như một số lĩnh vực mà chúng tôi cần cải thiện.
Tham gia
- Hơn 16,000 học sinh K-12 đã tham gia cuộc thăm dò dành cho Học sinh trong năm học 2021-22. Như vậy, cứ 5 sinh viên ghi danh thì đã có hơn 4 em tham gia.
- Các gia đình được chọn một cách ngẫu nhiên để đảm bảo những người trả lời là đại diện cho phụ huynh trong Osseo Area Schools (~ 950 phụ huynh/người chăm sóc tham gia vào năm 2022). Các cuộc thăm dò ý kiến phụ huynh được thực hiện bằng tiếng Anh, tiếng Hmong, tiếng Tây Ban Nha, tiếng Việt và tiếng Somali.
- Tất cả nhân viên đã được mời tham gia cuộc thăm dò Nhân viên vào năm 2022 và hơn 1.300 người đã đáp ứng. Đây là năm có số nhân viên tham gia cao thứ 2 của chúng tôi từ trước đến nay.
Chúng ta học gì từ học sinh
- Từ năm 2017 đến năm 2022, tỷ lệ học sinh ở cấp tiểu học và trung học phổ thông cho biết rằng các em đang Đóng góp cho Cộng đồng của mình tăng ít nhất 2%. Xu hướng này từ trước đến trong đại dịch là đáng khích lệ.
- Học sinh cũng nhận thấy sự cải thiện trong Giảng dạy ở mỗi cấp lớp và về sự Tôn trọng trong Lớp học ở các lớp 6-12.
- Cũng có một số thách thức được xác định: giảm từ 3% trở lên về sứ mệnh Đạt được Ước mơ và Học tập Suốt Đời ở lớp 3-12.
- Ngoài ra, mức độ Tôn trọng trong Lớp học ở lớp 3-5 và Hội nhập lớp 6-8 đã giảm từ 5% trở lên.
Chúng ta học gì từ phụ huynh và giám hộ
Môi trường Học tập An toàn, Chào đón và Hòa nhập
- Các gia đình đã trả lời khẳng định câu “Nhân viên nhà trường đối xử với học sinh con tôi một cách tôn trọng,” với tỷ lệ 89%.
- Hai thách thức trong lĩnh vực này là lịch sử văn hóa của học sinh được giới thiệu chính xác trong chương trình giảng dạy và đảm bảo học sinh thấy việc học tập có liên hệ với thế giới thực, cả hai được trả lời là “Thường xuyên” hoặc “Luôn luôn” với tỷ lệ 65%.
Văn hóa Thành tựu
- Số phần trăm phụ huynh cho biết nhân viên “tin rằng học sinh con tôi có thể thành công” là 87%.
- Một lĩnh vực cần cải thiện là nhân viên hiểu sở thích của học sinh, có tỷ lệ phản hồi tích cực là 63%.
Giao tiếp hòa nhập với cộng đồng
- Gần 95% gia đình cho biết “Giao tiếp từ trường học con tôi được cung cấp bằng ngôn ngữ ưa thích của tôi.”
- Tỷ lệ các gia đình bày tỏ việc nhân viên cung cấp thông tin cập nhật thường xuyên về sự tiến bộ của học sinh thấp hơn, ở mức 57%.
Sáng tạo, Xuất sắc, Trách nhiệm và Tính bền vững
- Một điểm cao trong thang thăm dò này là 93% gia đình cho biết con cái của họ được cung cấp công nghệ tương xứng mà các em cần để học.
- Đối với các gia đình, có chỗ cần xem xét cải thiện cho câu hỏi: “Nhân viên nhà trường đã giúp con của tôi đặt ra các mục tiêu cho tương lai”. Có tất cả 62% gia đình trả lời "Thường xuyên" hoặc "Luôn luôn" cho câu nói này.
Cải tiến Liên tục để Giảm bớt sự Chênh lệch, Rào cản và Bất công bằng
- Hầu hết tất cả phụ huynh (96%) cho biết rằng nhìn chung gia đình họ được nhà trường chào đón.
- Có những ý kiến kém khả quan của người chăm sóc liên quan đến câu, "Trường học của tôi có những hoạt động mang lại lợi ích cho nhóm học sinh này hơn nhóm khác." Tổng cộng 56% người chăm sóc nhận thấy rằng các hình thức thực hành này đang được áp dụng.
Chúng ta học gì từ nhân viên
- Từ năm 2015 đến 2022, có tỷ lệ tăng về số nhân viên chỉ ra rằng ban giám hiệu của họ có thể tiếp cận được, họ cũng cảm thấy an toàn và an tâm ở trường, và cho biết trường của họ thừa nhận sự đa dạng và hỗ trợ tất cả học sinh.
- Nhân viên cũng chỉ ra sự gia tăng về phần Chủng tộc và Văn hóa, với sự gia tăng lớn nhất về giá trị của việc đào tạo hiểu rõ học sinh và hướng tới thành tích công bằng của học sinh.
- Ý kiến về Dạy, Học và Thực hành Nghề nghiệp của Giáo viên vẫn ổn định kể từ năm 2015.
- Một thách thức từ cuộc thăm dò nhân viên là lần đầu tiên thang điểm Kết quả Chiến lược thấp hơn đáng kể so với mức trung bình của quận vào năm 2015. Hầu hết các câu hỏi phản ánh sự xuống dốc này, nhưng sự sụt giảm lớn nhất là ở việc sinh viên “sẵn sàng đặt câu hỏi để có thêm thông tin khi cần”.
Tiếp theo sẽ là gì?
Lãnh đạo trường học và học khu sẽ tiếp tục sử dụng những kết quả này và các dữ liệu khác để đưa ra kế hoạch cải thiện. Cuộc thăm dò sẽ tiếp tục được thực hiện với học sinh và nhân viên hàng năm, và với phụ huynh / người giám hộ 2 năm một lần.
Xiinxala Madaallii Qoodafudhattoota 2022
M/baruumsaa distiriiktii keenya barattoota hundaaf ergama guddaa qaba: “Barattootta tokkoo tokkoo hundaisaanii ofitti amantummaa guddaa fi dinqisiifannaan akka qophaa’anii fi dinqisiifatan, gootummaa fi dorgomaa cimaa ta’uun hawwii isaanii akka milkaneeffatan; gahee hawaasummaa isaanii akka bahanii fi jireenya isaanii guutuu baruumsa keessa akka jiraatan taasisuu.”Gargaarsa gooneeniif jijjiirama barattoonni keenya gama ergama taa’een mul’isaa jiran madaaluuf, hojjettoonni Osseo Area Schools odeefannoo karaa adda addaatiin walitti sassaabanii jiru.
Bu’aan madaalliin xiinxala qooda fudhattoota dhugaa gama kanaan jiru beekuun barattoonni, maatii fi hojjettoonni, akkasumas barsiistonni haala barattoota itti gargaaruu danda’anii fi haali mijataan M/baruumsa keessatti uumuu fi adeemsa siistama baruu-barsiisuu haala mijeessuu danda’uun kan bocamee qophaa’ee dha. Ergama distiriiktii keenyaa ilaalchisee gaaffileen jiran, miira abbummaa, baruumsa, mala waliqunnamtii fi teeknooloojiitiin waliqabatee dha. Bu’aan madaallii xiinxalaa bara 2022 kuni fooya’iinsi nama gamachiisu akka jiru ibsus ammas garuu naannoon fooyya’uu qabuu fi xiyyeeffannaa keenna barbaadu jiraachuu isaa ragaan ni mul’isa.
Barattoonni 16,000 oolmaa daa’imanii-12madaallii xiinxalaa kana bara baruumsaa 2021-22 fudhatanii jiru. kana jechuun barattoota galmaahan keessaa 5 keessaa 4 jechuu dha. Maatiin madaallii kanaaf filataman mala carraan ta’ee, maatii Osseo Area Schools keessa jiranii fi baay’inni tilmaamaan(~950/kan bara 2022 barataa kuniinsan) dha. Maatileen kunniin kan Afaan English, Hmong, Spanish, Vietnamese fi Somali dubbatanii dha..
- Hojjetoonni bara 2022 hundinuu madaallii xiinxalaa kanarratti akka hirmaatan affeeramanii 1,300 oli kan ta’an hirmaatanii jiru. Hirmaannaa qooda fudhatootaa kan bara kana hundarra baay’ee gaarii fi oli’aanaadha..
Barattoota Keenarraa Maali Baranne
- Bara 2017 hanga 2022, barattoonni M/baruumsa sad. 1ffaa fi sad. 2ffaa %2 ta’an caalmatti hawaasa isaaniigargaarurratti gahee isaanii kan bahan ta’uu qo’anich ni mul’isa. Adeemsi haala tamsa’a dhibee dura ture kuni abdii kan namatti uumuu dha.
- Barattoonnis baruumsa sadarkaa daree adda addaa keessatti kennamuu fi wali kabaja daree keessaa kutaa 6-12 simachuurratti fooya’iinsa mulisan.
- Rakkooleen adda addaallee adda bahanii jiru: Kutaa 3-12tti Milkaa’inni hawwii fi baruumsa umrii guutuu barachuun yoo madaalamu % 3 ykn isaa oliin xiqqaatee jira.
- DabalataanKutaa 3-5 keessattii fi kutaa 6-8 haaluma walfakkaatuun walkabajuun %5 ykn isaa oliin hir’achuun mirkanaa’ee jira.
Maatii fi Guddistootarraa Maali Baranne
Baga gara naannoolee baruumsa hawataa, nageenyi eegamee fi hundi qixaan hirmaachisutti dhuftan.
Gaaffii “ hojjettoonni M/baruumsaa barataa kiyya ni kabajuu” jedhuuf deebiin kennan kabajaan akka keessumeessan % 89 ta’uu mul’isa.
- Naannoo kanatti rakkooleen lama ni mul’atu. Seenaan aadaa barattootaa haala gaariin kaarikulamii baruumsaa keessatti ibsamuu fi barattoota baruumsa isaanii qabatama dhugaa lafarra jiruun baruumsa isaanii adunyaa kanaan walitti hidhatuu isaa gaaffii jedhuuf deebii akka filanootti taa’eef “ yeroo baay’ee” ykn “ yeroo hundaa” kan jedhu %65 filachuun deebiin itti kennamee jira.
Milkaa’ina Aadaa
- Baay’inni maatii yaada hojjettoonni “ barataan kiyya milkaahee jira” jedhu mirkaneessan %87.
- Naannoo dagaaginnaati, hojjettoonni fedhii barataa beekuu jedhutti deebiin gaariin %63 ta’uun mirkanaahee jira.
Waliqunnamtii Hunda Hammatte Hawwasa Waliin
- Maatiin hanga %95 ta’an akka jedhanitti “waliin dubbiin M/baruumsaa barataa kiyya waliin taasisu afaan ani dubbachuuf filadheen.”
- Maatiin lakkoofsa gadi’aanaa hojjettoonni idileedhaan odeefannoo wayitawaa haala fooya’iinsa barataa isaanii akka argatan jedhan %57 dha.
Kalaqa, Raawwii gaarii, Itti gaafatamummaa, fi itti fufiinsaan
- Maatiin baay’een %93 madaallii kanarratti hirmaatan , barattoota keenyaaf meeshaaleen teeknoloojii sirrii ta’ee fi barattoonni keenya barbaadan dhihaateefii jira jechuun deebii kennanii jiru.
- Gaaffii haala dagaaginnaa irratti maatiif dhihaatee fi “ Hojjettoonni M/baruumsaa galma fuulduraa kaa’uun barataa kiyya gargaaranii jiru.”jedhuuf maatiin %62 ta’an “yeroo baay’ee ykn yeroo hundaa” jechuun deebii kennanii jiru.
Fooya’iinsa Ittifufiinsaan addaan qooduu, al-iftummaa fi al-qixummaa hir’isuu
- Maatiin hundimtuu haala jedhamuun (%96) ta’an akka walii galaatti M/baruumsaa barataa kiyya yeroo hundaa haala gaariin nu simatu jechuun deebisanii jiru.
- Gaaffii himaa kuniinsitoonni deebii kennan muraasni irratti hirmaachuun deebii kennan, “ M/baruumsaa barataa kiyya barattoota gareen addaan qooduun isa tokko isa kaanirra caalchisanii fayyadamaa akka ta’an taasisan.” jedhuuf kuniinsitoonni %56 yaadicha dhugoomsuun deebii kennanii jiru.
Hojjettootarraa Maali Baranna
- Bara baruumsaa 2015 hanga 2022, Hojjettoonni hedduun M/baruumsaa barattoonni lammiin sanyii adda addaa wali qixummaan gargaaramaa,haala nageenya amansiisaa, tasgabbii fi wali kabajaan keessatti hojiin baruu fi barsiisuu gaggeeffamaa akka jiru akeekanii jiru. Hojjetoonni dabalataanis, baayinna sab-lammii sanyii duudhaa aadaa adda addaa qaban M/baruumsaa keessatti baay’isuun fayyadamummaa wali-qixummaa guddisuun milkaa’inna barattootaaf akka cimanii hojjetan ibsanii jiru.
- Ilaalcha baruu-barsiisuu fi hojii ogummaa barsiisuu hanga 2015 haala gariin lafa qabsiisuratti hojiin guddaan hojjetamee jira.
- Rakkoon tokko inni guddaan xiinxala madaallii hojjettopotaa irratti mul’ate sadrkaan iskeelii bu’aa karoora hiixataa distiriiktii yeroo calqabaatiif 2015 walakaa gadi ta’uu isaati. Gaafileen hedduun kuni xiqqaachaa dhufuu isaati, haata’u garuu wanti gaariin yeroo hundaa “ barattoonni odeefannoo barbaachisaa dabalataan argachuuf fedhii gaafachuu qabaachuu isaaniiti.”
Maaltu Itti Aana?
M/baruumsaa fi hoogantoonni distiriikitichaa itti fufiinsaan bu’aa fi ragaalee xiinxallii madaallii kanatti fayyadamuun karoora isaanii fooyyaffachuu qabu. Madaalliin xiinxallii kuni waggaa waggaan barattootaa fi hojjettootarratti, waggaa lama-lamaan immoo maatii/kuniinsotaarratti kan gaggeeffamu ta’a.
Grading & Report Cards
Instruction, assessment and grading in Osseo Area Schools is based upon district, state and/or national standards. As a result, it is called “standards-based” across our school district. A “standard” is a specific skill or concept students are expected to learn following instruction. District, state and national standards give us clear learning targets, instructional activities, materials, and assessments. The goal of standards-based grading and reporting is to share what each student knows and is able to do according to the standards.
Elementary Grading Rubrics
A rubric is a document that describes expectations for an assignment. It also has learning targets (what the student is expected to learn) and levels of quality used to measure a student’s progress. A rubric helps students see the connections between what they are learning and how they will be assessed.
A task rubric with scores ranging from 4-1 is used in our elementary schools. Task marks are used for formative assessments (e.g., classwork and homework) and summative assessments (e.g., projects and tests). They are both aligned to categories listed on the elementary report card.
Elementary Report Cards
The elementary report card shows marks for reporting standards in each subject area. An example of a reporting standard in math is “Understands and uses numbers to solve problems.” Teachers look at multiple examples of student work collected throughout the trimester that show what a student has learned. The elementary report cards use a 4-1 scale. Teacher comments are on a separate page.
Report Card Descriptors
Secondary Grading Rubrics
A rubric is a document that describes expectations for an assignment. It also has learning targets (what the student is expected to learn) and levels of quality used to measure a student’s progress. A rubric helps students see the connections between what they are learning and how they will be assessed.
A task rubric with scores ranging from 4-0 is used in middle school and high school. Task marks are used for formative assessments (e.g., classwork and homework) and summative assessments (e.g., papers and tests). They are both aligned to reporting standards and are recorded in the electronic grade book. Parents/guardians can access this grade book through Schoology.