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Why Choose Park Brook Elementary

Park Brook Elementary is located in the Hartkopf Neighborhood of Brooklyn Park, directly across the street from Hartkopf Park. Approximately 300 prekindergarten through fifth grade students attend Park Brook Elementary.

Our schoolwide Focus on Fitness provides both academic and health benefits to students, keeping them engaged in learning and inspiring them to achieve their dreams.

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three girls smile with their arms around each other while doing art outside

Focus on Fitness

Park Brook Elementary is a school Focused on Fitness to increase academic growth and provide health benefits for students. After-school programs provide opportunities for students to be active. Each school day begins with a "Brain Boost" to prepare students for learning, and teachers incorporate additional Brain Boosts throughout the day to keep students focused and engaged in learning and increase their academic achievement.

Families can integrate fitness into their student's after-school experience with classes such as After-School Boot Camp (offered in the fall and spring), and Cardio Drumming. Students in grades 3-5 can also take part in the American Heart Association’s traveling Double Dutch team. Girls on the Run is offered in the fall and spring and includes a 5K for both seasons. During the winter months, students in grades 3–5 will learn to cross-country ski.

Weekend field trips include the Twin Cities 5K sponsored by Twin Cities in Motion; the Resilinator and Kidarod sponsored by the YMCA of the North; and the Next Generation Ski Race and Luminary Loppet sponsored by The Loppet Foundation.

additional information - "Focus on Fitness"

Opportunities to explore

In addition to our schoolwide Focus on Fitness, we offer a variety of before- and after-school activities for students, including:

  • Choir
  • Ukulele Club
  • Hmong, Spanish, Vietnamese, and World Language Clubs to provide opportunities for students to maintain their home language and culture.
  • Other opportunities have been offered, such as: Game Club, art classes and more.

Support to grow as lifelong learners

Park Brook staff members are dedicated to increasing the academic growth of each student. We carefully monitor the growth of all students at all academic levels. It is our goal that all students will meet or exceed their expected academic growth.

According to the District 279 Coordinator of Data & Assessment:

"Students that attended Park Brook during the 22-23 school year made remarkable academic progress as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs), as well as achievement gap closing growth as measured by the district's benchmark assessment FastBridge. A few of the highlights of this progress and growth are as follows:

  • Results from MCA Reading showed that the 22-23 cohort overall, meaning the average student at Park Brook, met the transformational goal set by the district. This means these students made progress at a rate that was significantly higher than students at other schools in our district, and higher than the state average. This type of progress closes the achievement gap by moving students below grade level closer to achieving grade level standards. Additionally, approximately half of the student subgroups met this transformational goal. 
  • Results from MCA Math showed that the 22-23 cohort overall met the basic goal set by the district. This means these students made progress at a rate that was at or above the district and state average. Additionally, within the student subgroups over a third of the student subgroups met the district's transformational goal, including our Black and African American students. 
  • Growth as measured by the FastBridge aReading assessment showed that students at Park Brook met the baseline growth rate for students making typical and aggressive growth during the 22-23 school year. The baseline growth rate meets the district and national growth norm goal. 
  • Growth as measured by the FastBridge aMath assessment showed that students at Park Brook met the target growth rate for students making typical and aggressive growth during the 22-23 school year. The target growth rate is significantly higher than the district and national growth norms. This is gap closing growth that will move struggling learners toward proficiency on state standards. "

These high rates of progress and growth has resulted in an upward trend in proficiency in math and reading over the past three years."

Community partners

We're thankful for the support of many community partners, including: 

  • District 279 Foundation
  • Girls on the Run
  • Medtronic
  • Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
  • Redeemer Covenant Church
  • The Loppet Foundation
  • Three Rivers Park District
  • Twin Cities in Motion
  • Y Adventure Lab - YMCA of the North