Three-Year Operational Plan
Focus on Fitness
Park Brook Elementary has embraced the research that indicates increasing physical fitness and movement increases academic growth and positive behaviors. Focus on Fitness is designed to assist with closing the achievement and opportunity gaps.
2023-2024 Goals
50.3% of the students, according to the MCA, will be proficient in reading.
48.7% of the students, according to the MCA, will be proficient in math.
At least 90% of the students in grades 1 - 5 will participate in at least one engagement activity.
Family Engagement
In November BINGO will return as a family event, in February Winter Funland will return, and Language Clubs will return beginning in October.
This is in addition to others means of engaging families at Park Brook. Please see the calendar on the website.
Specific strategies are included in the Three-Year Operational Plan. Strategies are included for the following areas: reading, math, behaviors, and family engagement. In addition, the Three-Year Operational Plan contains information regarding Focus on Fitness and the math instructional model.